Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship...

I have been meaning to start a blog for a looonnnggg time and can put it off no longer! I work and teach papercrafting classes at my local scrapbook store which keeps me very busy but I appreciate that I also have a creative outlet. Due to the urging of two very special friends, I entered a contest sponsored by Canvas Corp. Products. I submitted photos of four of my banners on the very last day of the contest and received an email from them that was very complimentary and sent me over the moon! I was floating on air for the last 2 days but now I have a permanent smile and butterflies in my tummy because I just got the email from them and I WON!!  I am so HAPPY!! Those of you that know me can see me dancing right, right? So, at the end of the email Jenn Luce of Canvas Corp. Products asked me, "Do you have a blog?" I can't anwer that email with a lame "No, sorry", so here we are at the beginning of my crafting tales, I am smiling!!

The winning entry! A Banner that spells out the word  "BLESSED" and uses burlap, jute, old denim, vintage lace and ric rac, as well as recycled cardboard boxes and empty ribbon rolls. Thanks to my friend Susan Brown for sharing her idea with me for recycling the ribbon rolls. I am so happy to count this as an extra blessing today, have a great weekend! Melissa


  1. So beautiful!!! I can see why you won ~ you are so talented! Following you from 504 Main :) Looking forward to your new blog!

  2. What a great way to start off your new blogging career! Beautiful banner! Found you through 504 Main.

  3. So awesome!!
    Congratulations on the win!!
    Can't wait to see what you make next!

  4. I am so happy for you! Congratulations and it is about time. Your banners are gorgeous and you are so talented.

  5. Melissa, congratulations! Your banner is truly incredible! I really dig your style, and am happy to be a new follower. I look forward to seeing more of your creations. Kindly, Jenn/Rook No. 17

  6. Hey Girlfriend,

    I'm following you.........sounds creepy doesn't it? Your banner is amazing, congratulations. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.


  7. Congratulations...I am so proud of you!!!

  8. Yeah. Now I need to start saving to buy the kits. I love this blessed banner. I need it in my living room to remind me how His had provided me with an awesome family. Congrats.

  9. Congratulations, Melissa! I am so happy for you! You should have entered more of your banners; you would have won ALL of the prizes! ;-) You are an amazing artist!

    I am excited that you started a blog. I can't wait to see more of your beautiful art without the drive. :-)


  10. Way to go Melissa!!it is beautiful

  11. This is so fantastic! You should link up on the springtime party tomorrow.

    It was such a pleasure to meet you. I adored your project.

    Be blessed!

  12. Can't wait for the 23rd! Bring as many of your banners as you can carry :)
